Horacio salvador

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Life is good for Horacio. Up until a week or two ago, he was just another random kid trying to survive in the small town of Almeirim, which is right off the Amazon. What happened a couple weeks ago is that some gringos, some white people, decided they needed to hire a kid to help carry their bags, you know? Horacio just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and now he's bringing in mucho dinero.

The white guy that hired you is pretty cool too. Calls himself Aiden Fisher, which is just about the weirdest name Horacio had ever heard. Aiden and his wife are arkayolojists, which means that they dig up old stuff out the ground and then study it and put it in museums. Aiden seems really busy, but he's pretty cool when he has time for you. He doesn't even mind showing you how his arkayolojy works.

Aiden's wife, Colleen is a different story though. She hated you from day one. She's probably a racist. That or she doesn't like that you've started to date Erin, her daughter.

Erin is as cool as Colleen is bitchy. She just wants to do her own thing and doesn't want her parents living their lives through her, which clearly they are trying to do. Horacio sympathizes that Erin shouldn't have to be out here, but not so secretly, he's pretty happy that she showed up in his life. Erin also has to be the only one of the white people that you've told that you don't like it here and would like a ticket out of this hellhole jungle.

Even though Erin is the only person you've explicitly told this, there are a number of other plots running around that could get you out of here. Karyn came with Aiden and Colleen. You think she works at the same college as them or something. She's been real eager to talk you into attending school up there. School isn't really your thing, but it could be a convenient way out of the jungle.

The plan you've put the most effort into has been trying to become a priest. This old dude, Father Gabriel, showed up in Almeirim about 10 years ago to teach people about Christianity. Horacio figures that with a little knowledge about Christianity maybe he could get sent somewhere else to preach it. You've met in private with Father Gabriel regarding religious studies, and he always seems eager to help out.

If people think it's creepy that you spend time alone in the woods with Father Gabriel, you really shouldn't tell them about the hermit, Edmund. People sometimes see him walking through the woods at night, talking to himself. He lives down by the old temple some tribespeople worshipped at. Some say its haunted, but you say, that that's just Edmund scaring people off of his home. If you were a crazy old hermit with no friends, you'd scare strangers off your land too.

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