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Character Specific Derangements

  • Joseph Prince: In this terrible danger, you have had a revelation. The end of times are near, and people must be saved before it happens. Not just for their souls, but for yours: part of what you will be judged on is how many souls you have brought to the light.
  • Erik Schmitz: Paranoia: They are out to bring you down. You don't know who they are yet, but they are among those present. You must perform flawlessly, and find out who they are. Destroy them before they can destroy you.
  • Field Marshall: This isn't real. It isn't real, it isn't real, it isn't real. Everyone needs to understand that this isn't real. There is a perfectly logical explanation, and you have to make sure that everyone understands what it is and accepts it. (Whenever something seemingly impossible happens, you are driven to explain it, and make sure everyone else understands the truth).
  • Emma Day: They're disrespecting you. You have to prove that you are better, stronger, harder than they are. You cannot accept anyone disrespecting you in any way. You won't tolerate it.
  • Tariq Ibn Faruq: The voices of every dead Iraqi on your conscience are whispering to you, blaming you, cursing you. Your wife is foremost amongst them. You have let your people down. You're trying your best to ignore them and get the work done, but sometimes you can't help but respond.
  • Qamar Abd-al: Emel Faiz looks so much your mother. Is she an aunt? She must be family. You miss your mother. You must find out more about your mother from Emel.
  • Sabriyya Nejem: You are meant to rule, not just your faction, but the country. You must overthrow this weak government of sniveling whores. Soon, they will be cast down by your men, and you will rule. The cheering populace will finally treat you with the respect you deserve.
  • Veronica Miles: The aliens have completely infiltrated the upper echelons of your government and probably most other governments on the planet. It has all become clear as you put together everything you have seen. It's the only thing that makes sense. You need to warn people and you need to find allies, before it's too late. They must be stopped!
  • Nathan Kennedy: Every woman in the room is madly, passionately in love with you. Use this to your advantage as much as possible.
  • Angel Cruz: They know that you've found out. Now they need to take you down. But they don't really need to take you down. You're okay with the conspiracies. You have to explain to them that you know, but you're not a threat. You don't want to bring them down, you just wanted to know. They have to understand that.
  • Rodney Greiner: Wow, you always knew this was a land of magic and stuff, but you had no idea. You need to learn all the spells from everybody here. You can do more than level up, you can gain, like 5 levels. And learn all their spells!
  • Basit Ibn Karim: The infidels with their heathen and immoral ways are corrupting your country every minute they are in it. They simply must be stopped. You can no longer tolerate their presence here. You must remove United States influence at any cost.
  • Imad Ibn Junayd: Munir Faiz is a hated enemy of the Kurds and is out to destroy you all. His people have taken your rightful lands. You must thwart his agenda at every step.
  • Wafi Nagi: Everything is fine. You don't know why other people are freaking out. It's all ok. Sure that thing was horrendous, but that's not important. It's all ok. Really, it's all ok. Nothing can rile you.
  • Munir Faiz: You are desperately in love with who or whatever broke you (did sanity damage most recently). It reminds you so much of your wife. You would do anything to protect them, safeguard them, care for them, give them everything they want.

Generic Derangements

  • Paranoia: They're all out to get you. Everything that has happened so far, isn't what it seems. It's a plot aimed at you. It's not clear what is truth and what is lies, but its sole purpose is to bring you down. They're all in on it.
  • Artifact Obsession: Whatever artifacts are around, you must have them. You must have them all, by whatever means necessary.
  • Phobia: You are deathly afraid of the person who is currently closest to you. They are going to kill you if you get too close. You have to keep your distance and warn everyone about them.
  • Money Obsession: You see it all clearly now, money is what actually matters. All these other things don't matter if you have enough money. You need the money first. It's all about money. Maybe it can keep you safe . . .
  • God: There is a God, and he is the one who has given you this mission. It's all clear now. These obstructions are the work of the devil, meant to keep you from fulfilling your mission. You alone have been gifted with God's great plan and you must see it through to fruition.
  • Negotiator: There are supernatural creatures behind these attacks, but they have their reasons. You can talk to them. You just need to get everyone to agree to hold a meeting and invite them for negotiations. Diplomatic negotiations with those beings can resolve all these problems.
  • Denial: Whatever triggered this packet didn't happen. Anything else that causes you to suffer sanity damage will not have happened either, as far you're concerned.
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